India had her 1 week check up with the midwife yesterday. It was her first time out of the house. I hated taking her out in the cold. Well, she got a clean bill of health and is growing nicely.
India is coming down with a little cold which I am certain she caught from Alexa, even though we have been super cautious. She doesn't seem to mind it. I have just been nursing a lot and keeping her head elevated. I only used the snot sucker once and she didn't cry. She had her first real bath today too since her cord stump fell of yesterday. The girls were so excited because now they can help with diapers. We'll see how long that excitement lasts:)
My mom left this morning. It was sad to see her go. It has been so nice having her here. And the girls love having her here as well. I am beginning to get hit with the reality of having 3 kids. The hardest part is thinking about picking Alexa up at school. I haven't done it yet, but I am not looking forward to it.
Thank God India has been a good sleeper so far. I have really needed the sleep and I know it might not last, so I am taking advantage of it.
I have had a few people call really upset about my job situation so I thought I should clear up a couple of things. I knew I would be getting unpaid maternity leave since I hadn't worked a full 12 months yet. That part was clear, but I was told my job and benefits would stay. I lost money because I had gone in to cancel my insurance with Einstein at the beginning of november. Human resources told me to hang onto it and cancel come January so I would get a $3500 bonus for waiving benefits for the new year. So I kept paying insurance for two months hoping to get that money. Now I won't get that money and I paid over $600 for insurance that I didn't need. I have been trying to get reimbursed but I doubt I will. My clinical manager is also going to talk to my boss to see if she will reconsider. So, we'll see. I have a peace about whatever the outcome at this point.
Also, I found out Alisons baby was a boy, and they had a funeral a couple of days ago. Still no word on the cause of his death. Keep them in your prayers.
So glad things are going well for you. She is beautiful and we can't wait to meet her!
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