Loco LL

Sunday, July 20, 2008

a mom and the internet...

a very inspiring post from a mom has kind of confirmed some things going on in my head these past few months. Ever since I have started my new job and been away from my family 32 hours out of the week, I have found the time that I do have to be more precious. And doing what I am doing now (sitting at the computer) takes me away from that time. I desire the simplicity of sitting on the floor with my toddler creating art together or just playing patty cake:) I desire to sit with my school age daughters at the table and read together or to work on a project in the kitchen or teach them a new skill (like knitting). All those desires are in my heart and my mind, but somehow it is so much easier to sit at the computer and read about other moms doing cool things instead of doing it myself.

I have a couple more weeks of orientation in this job. I may or my not have a job after these 2 weeks. I will be honest and say that I almost wish that I won't so that I can have more time with the kids. But even when I was only working 12 hours a week, I still didn't find much time for those things.

I really am going to try to put these things first! If I have time to go to the computer, then that will come after they are in bed. I want my kids to remember me interacting with them and not the computer.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger maria said...

I linked to the post -- thanks for getting us on to this. I need to meditate on these things.

How's work going?


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